My music is currently categorized into the following sections (also accessible from the navigation menus):
Much of the music is available for free download to review, try, and utilize; and printed sheet music is available for purchase at prices less than what it would cost to have the music printed at Fed-ex Office ($.13 per page for decent paper) and even competitive with what it would cost you to print on your own printer at home ($.05 to $.13 per page, depending on printer type and paper).
The sheet music available for download is in PDF format. It is in a lower quality/resolution format than the music available for purchase. Please note: when printing the music from Adobe Acrobat, select "Page Scaling: None" because otherwise Adobe tends to unnecessarily shrink the music.
There are “sheet music videos” or other recordings for most songs so that music can be conveyed. In some instances, instruments are used to play the vocal parts, so the output quality isn't as nice as a recorded performance of real instruments and/or voices.
I am interested in hearing your comments and in hearing about performances or plans for the music. Feel free to contact me.